Prinzenallee 33, 13359 Berlin

Mess_Montage - ‘Artefacts’ Album Launch Concert

Mess_Montage - ‘Artefacts’ Album Launch Concert

Mess_Montage - ‘Artefacts’ Album Launch Concert

Free entry and on a voluntary donation basis

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Artefacts is an experimental electronic music album by Mess_Montage, where Georgian polyphonic folk choirs merge with aesthetics of western electronic drone music. 

Tornike Margvelashvili/Mess_Montage is Berlin based artist born in Tbilisi, Georgia, working with experimental sound and visual arts. Tornike’s work focuses on creating abstract spaces that act as canvas for self-reflection, exploration of memory and spirituality. Through usage of modular synthesizers and various electronic means of sound production, live performances of Mess_Montage create impressionistic worlds where various elements like Georgian folkloric choirs, field recordings of nature  meet synthetic textures of various sort. Tornike holds MA in Sound Studies and Sonic Arts from UDK Berlin, In 2018 he was was participant in Red Bull Music Academy in Berlin.

Listen to Tornike's previous music

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Datum der Veranstaltung 30-04-2024 20:00
Einzelpreis Free entry and on a voluntary donation basis
Veranstaltungsort Ballhaus Prinzenallee