Prinzenallee 33, 13359 Berlin



Adapted from her book Je me relève (2021, published by Anne Carrière), this hard-hitting one-woman show written by Maïmouna and directed by Gilles Ramade combines theatre, stand-up, song and dance, personal and political commitment.

Like Booty Therapy, this show is a way of letting off steam, a way of letting go of traumas, understanding them, living them together to develop a form of resilience and move beyond them. The voice and the body merge, becoming a means of empowerment. It's a remedy, a cure and a therapy all rolled into one, with people shouting, crying and laughing, and no one leaves indifferent.  Maïmouna tells her story with accuracy and power, liberating words and bodies with delicacy and sincerity.

For once, the floor is given to women and gender minorities, who testify to their experiences of intersectional violence with humour and pride. Throughout the show, Maïmouna tackles taboo subjects: rape, sexual assault, female masturbation, body positivism, female circumcision and motherhood.

Director: Gilles Ramade
Performer: Maïmouna Coulibaly
Language: French


Maïmouna Coulibaly is an activist, author, artist and lecturer. Originally from Mali, Soninké, she was born and grew up in the Paris region of France. She has been living in Berlin for 5 years. She recently gave a TEDx talk entitled "Women's body is a political object" and was reviewed in the New York Times.

TEDx talk
Linktree Maimouna

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Datum der Veranstaltung 08-12-2023 19:00
Einzelpreis €15.00
Veranstaltungsort Ballhaus Prinzenallee


Ticket-Kategorie Preis

Abendkasse: 20 €


Abendkasse: 15 €

BIPoC & Booty Killers

Abendkasse: 15 €

Group of 3 & more

Abendkasse: 15 €
